Kattetrøbbel for John Wick


I den tredje John Wick-filmen markerer kattene sitt territorium. Men en katteinvasjon var det ingen som planla.


Regissør Chad Stahelski forteller om en litt uplanlagt katteinvasjon på settet i Essaouira, Marocco.

- The Moroccans are not big on canines. Love a fucking cat, though. There had to be thousands. We went there in the winter when we scouted and they weren’t that prevalent. We were like, There’s a few cats here, we’ll get a cat department, and we’re going to move all the cats out. We show up to shoot and there were literally a thousand cats, okay? And the cats have balls of steel. They’re not afraid of anything.

Det fortalte regissøren til Entertainment Weekly.

Les også: Han er skurken i John Wick 3


Som resultat måtte teamet bygge massive kattebur som de måtte oppbevare de ubudne gjestene i under innspilling.

Lurer på om det var en enkel oppgave å få de inn i disse!

Det var visst flere katter enn folk som jobbet med produksjonen.

Hundene til Halle Berry, som hun trente selv, ble mildt sagt distraherte.


Chad Stahelski forteller videre:

- What do Belgian Malinois love to chase? Fucking cats! While Keanu Reeves is killing ten guys over there, Halle is killing ten guys over here, and [there is the] stunt guy the dog’s got to focus on. You want that dog focused on what he’s supposed to bite, and what he’s not supposed to bite. Hit the mark, right? And there’s ten cats walking around and you’re going, ‘Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus.’ You’re sitting behind the monitor going, ‘What’s the dog looking at? What’s the dog looking at? Oh my god oh my god, he’s going to bite — Argh!’ It got a little crazy between cat-wrangling, and dog-wrangling, and people-wrangling. And you’ve got the studio back [in America] going, ‘Why are you a little behind? Just get the dog to do [it].’ And you’re like, I don’t speak dog. If I did I’d be fucking rich! Anyway, that was kind of fun.

Hørtes slitsomt ut!

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum kommer 31. mai.

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